Category: Tester

  • Selenide with BrowserMob Proxy

    The following is a guide to use BrowserMob Proxy to capture network traffic with Selenide as the test automation framework. This is useful to understand how the web application interacts with clients, servers, databases or other systems. BrowserMob Proxy The following has been extracted from the BrowserMob Proxy website (as of 2016-07-01) to give context […]

  • Upload a File Using Selenium WebDriver

    Web application testing is not only about the on-screen functionality but also involves interacting with external resources, such as images, documents and other media. To upload a file using Selenium, the file path is needed to be set in the input element control before submitting the form. On the form the control to inspect should […]

  • Get the Parent Node of the Current Selenium WebElement

    There are times that the parent is required from the child element. There are two options JavaScript or XPath: WebElement myElement = driver .findElement("myDiv")); WebElement parent = (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver) .executeScript( "return arguments[0].parentNode;", myElement); WebElement myElement = driver.findElement("myDiv")); WebElement parent = myElement.findElement(By.xpath("..")); But what if the parent of the parent is required? The JavaScript would […]

  • JMeter Remote Start

    JMeter is used to simulate load on a web or network application to collect performance data for analysis. While developing JMeter scripts are easy enough to do on a standard laptop or desktop, it is not effective to run the tests due to the limitation of resources available. The limitations could be not having enough […]